Art & Inspiration with the Tampa JCCs and Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy
Sunday, May 16, 2021 | Cost: $36 (includes lunch)
10:30 AM - 2:30 PM (45 minute socially distanced shifts)
Bryan Glazer Family JCC | 522 N. Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606
Be a part of our new legacy project! Paint a leaf to be affixed to a Tree of Life mural created by artist Eileen Goldenberg. The mural will adorn a wall at the Bryan Glazer Family JCC to symbolize our commitment to future generations. No artistic talent is required, only your enthusiasm.
To further enhance the community mural and make it extraordinary, you are encouraged to bring a special memento* from home to attach to your leaf.
Space is limited to 12 women per time slot, so call your friends and reserve your spot now. *Examples of special mementos include a brooch, key, single earring, a piece of lace, etc. No photos please.