
7 2018

Senior Moments the Musical

2:00PM - 8:00PM  

Contact Brandy Gold

"Senior Moments" is a poignant and hilarious view of aging in all its many facets. Growing older is filled with new realities and challenges that can be humorous at times, but difficult at others. An "ageless" musical comedy, "Senior Moments" explores maturing in a series of vignettes.

The Tampa JCCs will be producing and presenting Senior Moments, The Musical to the community. All active adults interested in performing will be asked to read scenes (provided) from the production, learn a short melody and a quick 8 count dance. Absolutely no experience is needed. Rehearsals will be flexible and will run during the summer of 2018. The 2-3 performances (based on ticket sales) will be held in September at the Bryan Glazer Family JCC. Actors will be awarded with many accolades; however participation is a volunteer experience!

For more information or to participate as a VOLUNTEER please contact brandy.gold@jewishtampa.com

To register for an audition time please go to www.jewishtampa.com/Audition