PCC – Professional Community Connection - is an endeavor of the Tampa JCCs & Federation and seeks to foster the development of networks and relationships between Jewish professionals and businesses in the Tampa Bay area.
Luy Teitelroit serves as the 2020-2021 PCC chair.
- Provide a platform for Jewish business people to meet each other, network and provide referrals that would lead to increased business opportunities.
- Increase business professional involvement with the Jewish community and the Tampa JCCs & Federation
- Raise awareness and understanding of the Tampa JCCs & Federation.
Who can join?
- This event is open to all community members with an interest in creating new opportunities for connection and involvement.
- Opportunity to promote your business or practice.
- Opportunity to increase your business by receiving referrals from group members.
- Have your name or your company’ name listed on PCC’s business community directory.
- Professional development opportunities.
- Monthly networking meetings
- Professional development through guest speakers
Ready to get involved?
Are you a Jewish business professional that:
- Seeks to make meaningful connections with other Jewish professionals within the Tampa Bay community?
- Is dedicated to the mission of the Tampa Jewish Federation?
- Believes in the community and is dedicated to the betterment of Jewish Tampa Bay?
Any business professional is welcome to attend PCC events.
For more information on PCC or future events, please contact Lisa Robbins at lisa.robbins@jewishtampa.com or 813-769-4723