
24 2021

Jewish Book Festival | Am Yisrael Chai Lecture

11:00AM - 12:00PM  

Bryan Glazer Family JCC 522 N Howard Ave
Tampa, FL 33606

Contact Brandy Gold

Am Yisrael Chai Lecture

Generously supported by Harvey Mackler in collaboration with FIBA

Sunday, October 24 | 11:00 AM

Avi Jorisch; Thou Shalt Innovate, Stories of Israeli Innovation and Inspiration

Hosted by Congregation Kol Ami

$18 Brunch & Discussion | 11:00 am

FREE Discussion | 12:00 noon

Inno­va­tion, sug­gests author Avi Jorisch, is the sacred call­ing of mod­ern Israel. But while many have writ­ten about Israel’s grand suc­cess in devel­op­ing prob­lem-solv­ing tech­nolo­gies, this is the first study to focus pri­mar­i­ly on Israeli inno­va­tions that extend, improve, and save lives. Pre­sent­ing uplift­ing pro­files of fif­teen inno­va­tions, all framed as con­tribut­ing to Israel’s suc­cess at being ​“a light unto the nations,” Jorisch argues that the Israeli com­mit­ment to tikkun olam, repair­ing the world, is a char­ac­ter­is­tic writ­ten in Judaism’s spir­i­tu­al DNA.