
3 2017

Bridge lessons

10:30AM - 1:30PM  

Bryan Glazer Family JCC 522 N Howard Ave
Tampa, FL 33606

Please join us at the Bryan Glazer Family JCC for beginning bridge lessons starting on February 3rd at 10:30 a.m. This class will be taught by James C. Young. James has been playing bridge for 50 years. He is also teaching bridge in continuing education and lifelong learning through USF. Personally, he is a life-master bridge player. He has been a tournament bridge player for about 25 years. The cost of the class is $45 per member/$50 non-member for the six-week session. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Pnina Levermore at 813-291-2253 or Pnina.levermore@jewishtampa.com.